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Speech Therapy

Speech and language pathologists provide a wide range of services, mainly on an individual basis, but also as a support for individual families, support groups, and providing information for the general public. Speech services begin with initial screening for communication and swallowing disorders and continue with assessment and diagnosis, consultation for the provision of advice regarding management, intervention and treatment, and provision counseling and other follow up services for these disorders.

  • Cognitive aspects of communication (attention, memory, problem solving, executive functions)
  • Speech ( phonation, articulation, fluency, resonance, and  voice including aeromechanical components of respiration)
  • Language ( phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatic/social aspects of communication) including comprehension and expression in oral, written, graphic and manual modalities; language processing; preliteracy and language-based literacy skills, phonological awareness
  • Swallowing or other upper aerodigestive functions such as infant feeding and aeromechanical events (evaluation of esophageal function is for the purpose of referral to medical professionals)
  • Sensory awareness related to communication, swallowing, or other upper aerodigestive functions.

Our speech therapists use a variety of assessment tools to determine a person’s functional level and treatment. After the evaluation is complete, a specialized plan of care is developed to allow for optimal success.  We collaborate closely with each family in order to ensure carryover at home.

Session Fees*

$75.00 per session
$200.00 for evaluation
*Some insurances and Medicaid accepted.

Class Schedule


Additional Notes

  • Arrive to session 15 minutes early
  • Please call ahead to confirm your appointment